Jen Lee

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just what's on my mind

After three very pleasant days, the forecast for tomorrow is snow. I'm not kidding.

Let's see. I've had a hard time writing at the computer this last week because every time I sit down I want to read more of this article. It's called How Can the Bible Be Authoritative by N.T. Wright, and it's quenching my curiosity while I try to track down one of his books on a similar theme. I have to read it in measured doses, giving my mind a chance to reorient itself to what is, for me, a new paradigm. One of my friends says that Wright has forever changed the way she reads scripture. After only two-thirds of this article, I feel rather altered myself. I may be posting little snippets that I love, since the article in its entirety can be daunting. This is from a section on Evangelical Views of Authority:

Most heirs of the Reformation, not least evangelicals, take if for granted that we are to give scripture the primary place and that everything else has to be lined up in relation to scripture. . . . But I still find two things to be the case, both of which give me some cause for concern. First, there is an implied, and quite unwarranted, positivism: we imagine that we are ‘reading the text, straight’, and that if somebody disagrees with us it must be because they, unlike we ourselves, are secretly using ‘presuppositions’ of this or that sort. This is simply na