Jen Lee

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ready for some fresh air

Amelia wanted to stay in yesterday, so we worked on the apartment quite a bit. It's getting closer to its final form each day. I have a load of stuff that I had planned to lug down to Salvation Army, but they seem extremely picky and I'm afraid they won't accept my things and I will have gone through all the work (and wasted a Saturday) in vain. One promising thing I may do with some of the items is take them to a Spring Fling the PSP (Park Slope Parents) are hosting to celebrate Earth Day. They are recycling electronics (we have lots of those!), and doing a children's swap for clothing, toys and books. Any clothes left over at the end of the day will be taken to the textile recycling station.

We will go to the library today; we're all ready for some fresh air. I might even call one of the lovely people who have given me their phone numbers (like the family we met on our apartment hunting trip). I probably should do it before I feel like it, because I might just skip over the feeling like it into loneliness and isolation. I do love the anonymity of this stage, but I can still have pockets of that experience and the charm of being unknown is sure to wear off soon.

At least our taxes are done. That is one of my favorite feelings, like relief and accomplishment wrapped up with the joy of a pending return. Justin's scouting new laptops. Our current machine is increasingly temperamental--the screen only turns on about 20% of the time. I'm sure one day very soon it will be dark and decide to stay that way. Then how will I pretend I'm still connected to my world?