Jen Lee

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How to Create a Home Retreat

One thing I think we can all use, all the time, are times and experiences of restoration. Every now and then this might mean travel to far-off places with friends or loved ones, but what does restoration look like in ordinary times?

Here are some go-to moves that work for me.

1. Build in time. Sometimes we think if we don't have a week of vacation time, restoration isn't an option. But building in time could look like leaving 30 minutes early for the dentist office and sitting down for a drink in a cafe on the way. Or taking your headphones and something nourishing to listen to while you wait. It could be gazing out the window for five quiet minutes  before everyone else is awake or soaking in the night sky before surrendering to sleep.

2. Hold it in your hands. Getting away from our screens is key to restoring our energy and our sense of perspective. I have an exquisite magazine sent to me by a friend and a gorgeous book full of reminders of ways to take care and create a sense of calm in my world. I hold these in my hands and soak in all they have to offer with all my tactile senses.

3. Listen. Stories, wisdom, and music are my restorative companions that turn walks to the bus stop, subway rides or washing the day's dishes into experiences that give something and not just take.