Jen Lee

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Isn't it time to give yourself the one thing you most need?

The Care and Keeping of Creative Souls: A Manual

Now Available!

When I think about creative work, I often remember the story about the hen who laid the golden eggs. We are so product and results driven in our culture that we want to ignore the hen and just get to the gold already.

You are the hen that lays the golden eggs.

It’s time to feed and nurture yourself, to revive yourself, body and soul. Enough of surviving it all.

Nurture. Thrive. Flourish.

Paperback, full-color, 24 pages
US $22, ships free worldwide.



Video: Jen Lee on The Care and Keeping of Ourselves

What People Are Saying About "The Care and Keeping of Creative Souls":

"I need to tattoo the entire content of the book up and down my arms."

--Pixie Campbell, SouLodge

"I had my hands clutching the manual you wrote and gave me Saturday morning when I left to the point where TSA had to remind me I had to let it go to go through security. I listened to the sign. I opened it up and read it on the flight home. How you knew I needed to hear your voice and read your words at that exact moment is mind blowing. But you saw it. The worry of the re-entry, the worry of the work week ahead and like a gentle friend you placed your hand on my shoulder and gave me the tool I needed to take care of myself so I would be able to take care of and nurture the creativity inside. The manual is beautiful Jen. Bravo."

--Helene Dujardin, Tartelette

"Two years ago I left my job in finance and became a photographic artist and I give a huge amount of credit to Jen Lee in giving me the tools to be able to hear my heart's desire when it was so far away from where I was. She is truly one of those rare people who can draw out of you the things your heart whispers softly, the secret wishes that often go unacknowledged. The Care and Keeping of Creative Souls Manual is like a guidebook to bring you back to yourself when you've got lost in the stress and busyness of modern life. Jen's gentle words and nourishing practices have helped me on numerous occasions when the habit of self criticism has kicked in. When I speak to myself in harsh words and judgments and I can't find my way. She reminds me to stand still, to take care of myself first and the answers will come. And, believe me, they come. "

--Nicola Taylor, photographer

 The Care and Keeping of Creative Souls

Paperback, full-color, 24 pages
US $22, ships free worldwide.