Jen Lee

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LA, NY, BC, Oz and Showing Up Just As I Am

Photo by Stefanie Renee. Indie Kindred Q&A with Jonatha Brooke and Jolie Guillebeau at the Serendipity Retreat.

I don't know how I expected to feel by the end of this year's Indie Kindred tour. In my mind I guess I grew more confident or self-assured, or maybe more distant as my mind and heart started to tinker with whatever comes next. 

Instead, the closer I get to the end, the more humbled I feel by all that's unfolded so far. The extraordinary people I've been able to meet and embrace and see particular and precious moments in their journeys play out in their eyes and on their faces. Being of service, making a difference--large or small. The honor of it is something I hold with careful, open-cupped hands.

My heart is riding so close to the surface that it is ironically more difficult, not easier, to take my place at the front of the room after the film plays.

I'm pretty teary these days, which I think is one part weariness and two parts gratitude.

This month we will finish strong with screenings in Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Melbourne, Brooklyn and Vancouver. I'll keep showing up just as I am, moment by moment: bashful or teary or electrified with excitement.

There are more kindreds to gather, there is more magic to make.

Join us.