Jen Lee

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On Creative Work and Motherhood, and Moving the Website

When my artist friends are deliberating about becoming mothers, I don't say, "Oh, just go for it--it will be fine." I know this dilemma well. It took me five years to make my decision--to choose motherhood--and I wasn't even doing creative work before I became a mother. The decision to begin writing and travel down a creative path came out of the kind of moment I've often had since becoming a parent: I wouldn't take this risk for myself, I would just settle for something here. But I will take this risk for my girls, because I want them to know anything is possible. I want to show them how to find and follow dreams. Now my creative work and my mothering are intertwined like a double helix. . . .

Continue reading this article In the Wish Studio, where I'm honored to be a part of the wishmamas series.

Please be patient as my website moves to a new server and the links take awhile to catch up.  I apologize for all the missing photos and paragraph breaks in the archives--I just don't think I'm going to do the tedious work of correcting them.  Just a few comments on the last couple posts were lost in the shuffle.  If one of them was yours, feel free to post it again if you'd like.  We'll have a fresh start of sorts here.  (I hope you like the new design.)  More features are coming soon.