Jen Lee

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Scholarships, a Giveaway Winner and more

Sunday afternoon in New Hampshire, Horizon Perfekt, Lomo 400 film

I've been away in the countryside of New Hampshire with my family, and now that I'm back in my studio it feels there is so much news to catch up on:

  • The giveaway winner for The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown was chosen with the help of, and the winner is: Meredith Winn.  So Meredith: send us your mailing address and we'll get you this great book.
  • The Integrate in the Rockies retreat is coming up SO SOON and our excitement is building.  I've heard a lot of people struggling with finances, so we've secured a few scholarships toward retreat registrations to make the dream a reality for a few more of you.  If you'd like to request a scholarship or find out more, just email me: jen at jenlee dot net.  Trust me, it won't be the same without you.
  • Many apparel items on the Merch page have sold out, but there are a few good things left. The studio is feeling clear for new projects--thank you!

I keep thinking, You should write.  You shouldn't be so quiet.  People are waiting for you to say something, dammit.  But do you ever just not have much to say? I'm swimming deeply in life right now, without much opportunity to observe it from the shore.  The words are always the last thing to arrive.

Things I'm really into lately:

  • My pictures: taking them, scanning them, looking at them and remembering all the magic moments that are making up these autumn days.
  • One last offline writing project that I'm finishing up for my Squam by the Sea students.
  • Dreaming up ways I can produce all the courses and curriculum I've written this year and make the goods more widely available soon.  Visiting the sound studio and printer and talking about possibilities.

Things that are holding me together (like paper clips, at times):

  • Memories from one of the best birthday parties EVAH.
  • This post on cultivating happiness by my friend, Mati Rose.
  • My new favorite album (stay tuned for more on this).
  • Bedtime books and morning snuggles with the girls, who are growing an inch every night, it seems.
  • My apartment, which would be appalling to any of the uber-tidy people I know but is still somehow so cozy and happy even in its collosal state of disarray.

Now I must get out of these pajamas so I can run to the Apple store with Justin.  But more soon, I promise!