Jen Lee

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The Anatomy of Discovery, Part Five: Value

This week features a series of posts to unpack and unfold the anatomy, so to speak, or design of The Iconic Self Online Experience to give you a window into how it works and why it is such a distinctive offering. But these elements are also core elements of all of our Soulful Journey offerings, and things my friends and collaborators looks for as hallmarks in our own journeys of resources that we trust and ultimately rely on. Our own experiences of powerful discovery all have these things in common--so whether or not The Iconic Self Online Experience is your right thing at your right time, my hope is that this Anatomy of Discovery will regardless help light your way.

Sharing a heartfelt moment with Caren McLellan Gazley.

Part Five: Value

No inquiry about resources and guides would be complete without a conversation about value, which for me involves examining both investment and contribution.

The investment side of the equation is one of our primary motivations for offering the Iconic Self interactive experience online. To give you an idea of how it compares with other options, doing this work in-person would require a 5-day intensive retreat, which would cost $1000 or more, in addition to travel expenses. 

And for less than the cost of hiring either Phyllis Mathis or me for two hours of our one-on-one professional services, participants in The Iconic Self Online Experience get both of us--together--for a whole month. 

This means:

  • getting to ask questions and
  • to clarify in real-time
  • to contribute to a collective body of story and wisdom,
  • both in our interactive classroom and in our live conference call.

Here's how it breaks down--The Iconic Self Online Experience includes:

  • daily posts featuring reflective questions, playful exercises, and daily opportunities to interact with others on the same journey--Monday through Friday for a total of twenty days. (Value: $100+)
  • every minute of the original Iconic Self audio learning course (the content of a 5-day intensive retreat) divided into delicious bite-sized mp3 morsels  (Value: $100)
  • Phyllis and me in the house! We'll be there every day, catching stories, offering additional insights and encouragement to help along the way. (Value: $50+/day for 20 days=$1000)
  • a live conference call, mid-course, with both Phyllis and me: a time to ask questions, tell stories, and enjoy being together. (Value: $250)
  • a private Flickr group to share playful exercises, creative projects, iconic outfits, and other visual evidence of soulful risk-taking. (Bonus!)
  • The registration for this hands-on, interactive experience is just $199 (valued at $1450), and you can save an additional $50 when you register by Sunday (the 13th).

    When it comes to contribution, I find it helpful to hear from other people who have already experienced the resources I'm considering and weighing. I think it best, then, to let some Iconic Self participants speak to the contribution of this offering:

    "Jen and Phyllis have a way of offering practical guidance that resonates on a deep, soul level; that appeals to the parts of me that seek clarity and quality; and that sidesteps the frustrating phenomenon of self-help actually deflating my sense of okayness. I felt guided in these conversations outside of hierarchy somehow, invited to come to the table not as hungry little bird, but as respected companion."  
    -- Kristin Noelle
    First, let me say that I'm usually highly skeptical of anyone "selling" me a way to make me "better"…my Rule of Life is that a person is exactly who they should be at the time, in order to fulfill their purpose at that moment.  But I know what a thought-full and gentle person you are, and had the sense that you wouldn't throw some schlock out on a disc just to make money.  So I was curious, and was feeling that it was time to shift some things, so why not see what you had to offer.
    You had me at Aretha…she is my inner icon. and it blew me away when you guys mentioned that! I thought that although (in my advanced years here) I have come to terms with, and melded my inner and outer selves, there may actually be something I can learn.  
    And boy did I.  So far, I am recognizing that even though I had identified the "line of demarcation" between how I feel, and how I react, there were still some areas where I wasn't really being true to myself.  It's easy, I suppose, to do the hard work, then sit back with an ice tea and figure that's as far as you need to go ("you" meaning "me").  But life changes constantly, and like a computer, there are constant updates that a person needs to make in order to stay current in a Purpose.
    So, I am updating my self.  And spending time in thought about what works, what doesn't work, what needs to be brought forward, and what needs to be trashed.  I am recognizing that some of the fierceness & protectiveness of my soul that I held had turned to anger & resentment.  And that needed to go.  And that being complacent and being the good girl in one particular situation was about to rob me of everything I had worked so hard to build within myself.
    Your work on these discs is remarkable and wonderful.  I love the way your voice and Phyllis's voice blend - making listening not too gentle, and not too forceful. From a technical point of view, the sound is crystal clear and understandable. 
    You've done a good thing, here...

    --Linda Esterley

    Register today.