Jen Lee

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Winding Through Time

I wind through time this month like a thread through a giant loom--over and under, tucking in and out of sight, crossing over and creating with a host of other colors. There are end of the year school events and teacher inservice days all over the place, and now I have a sick one home for more days. Summer is reaching back toward me and loosening my grip. I watch the last day of school creep my way, sometimes with happiness, occassionally with panic, and increasingly with surrender.

There are still things I would like to accomplish (big things), but I'm leaning more heavily into my intention and refraining from my classic Power It Out moves. It's hard to explain what this looks like, exactly. I guess it looks like my self-care not falling off the map. Stopping to go to the market and make good meals three times a day. Going to bed early every night. Having a feeling of surrender about the outcome instead of my inner Task Master cracking the whip, a lot of listening, asking for invisible help, and a good deal of laying down.

My new relationship with time still feels a little strange, like some great new shoes I'm still breaking in, but there's a spaciousness there. So much room for gratitude. For trust. For joy.