
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Keep Breathing

Bleeding hearts

Keep breathing. Keep breathing, dear one, each breath a single stitch forming the seam of a day, each night a turn at the corner of a garment, and beginning again. Fresh, but connected. Part of everything that came before but also new.

With each breath, discover the mind within you, and below that the heartbeat. Travel down to the hunger in your belly and the ache even below that. Travel all the way down to your feet, learning when to stand up and when to rest, stretched out and toes wriggling in softest socks. With each breath leave the fray behind and return to the place insight is born. Release one hand from the past and the other from the future and fold them gently in the lap of this moment. Where there is no there but here and there is no when but now.