
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Moments We Want to Live Inside of Forever: The Making of the Gather Film

Gather film quote from Jen Lee Productions under a sunset sky

Making GATHER was hard. To give you an idea of how long these things take, it was planned before the last presidential election, and filmed not long after. While so many artists and makers were questioning their work and roles in the world ahead, I had this story to finish. So personal, it felt self-indulgent in our new context. Irrelevant. Confusing. I thought: Other people go through times of change all the time, and they don't need to make a movie about it. Get OVER yourself, and for the love of god do something USEFUL.

When we planned the cross-country trip I also didn't know I'd be making an international move soon, and that at every stop along the way I would be saying farewell to dearest companions, not knowing when we might be together again. Goodbye, Steph's porch and goodbye, Emma's ukelele. Oh my heart, planted in so many places it could not stay.

Most of the time we take the ground we stand on for granted. It was here yesterday, we think, so it will surely be there tomorrow. But every now and then we see a change coming. Graduation approaches, a collaboration comes to an end. Suddenly the sunset seems just a little more golden, and everyone around us even more beautiful in its light.

This is the story of a girl who always looked for places to belong, and found one in the company of these friends. It's their story, too. It was a beautiful time they walked through together, and she was lucky enough to know it. To make some kind of time capsule before the day ended.

Alongside doubt and sorrow, I made this on hope. Hope that I'd be on different ground when I finished than when I began. That someday I'd be glad I made it and someone else might be, too. And now? I'm learning to belong to myself.

Onward to other stories. Eternal gratitude to everyone in this one.

Watch the GATHER film here: