
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Practices for Intense Times

A small plant breaks through concrete and mosaic titles to grow. Text reads “Practices for Intense Times”

This week we turn to some practices that get me through the most intense, take-my-breath-away kind of moments/days/seasons. I wish I did not have so much experience in them, and that I was not gaining more as we speak. But here we all are! Carrying a strength we did not have before we learned to hold our ideas of the future lightly, before we loved and lost lives we constructed and people we did not want to live without. Knowing now that our hearts can keep beating through it all. They are miraculous like that.

Watch Mantra Sensation (Episode 67):

When things become overwhelming (your first clue might be your firm insistence that you are FINE), it's easy to feel piled over by either inner replays of the past--if only this had happened or that had been said/done instead--as well as anticipation of difficulties or unknown variables waiting in the future. Here's a practice I reach for to keep both the past and future in their places. I think we are built for the right here right now, and making it through hard times asks me to stay there more than I'd like. I'd like to be so many other places, trust me. But inviting you to be simply here with me, my friends. 

Watch In This Moment (Episode 68):