Jen Lee

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Sometimes I like to check in

Sometimes I like to check in and just let you know how it's going over here. I'm deep in another production cycle, with a bunch of print and audio editing that I'm chiseling away at every day while Caren is writing and Liz is writing and this Liz is already working to make everything beautiful. This means I have my headphones on a lot, and I'm finishing up some knitted socks while I do the audio work because it's hard to sit still for. I wish I could listen to my records while I do it, but it just doesn't work that way.

I've had so much fun sending out good things to everyone, including the new catalogs which I hope you adore as much as we do. The shirts last week were an absolute hit--I think I have just a few left, and the Just Be True tote bonus ends Friday. Still living in mine here and feeling so happy and cheerful in red.

I was all excited to get a post office box--a public mailing address, hooray!--and then I memorized it incorrectly and told a couple people the wrong number. Ay yi yi. (So many digits!) So let me set the record straight and extend an invitation. I welcome mail art, handwritten letters, postcards from afar and mail orders. You can send any such goodness my way via:

P.O. Box 170005, Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Let's see, what else? Wednesday, December 7th will be the launch of The Emerging Icons Series, a free video curriculum I've designed to bring you bi-weekly, bite-sized bursts along the trail you are blazing. Be legendary: register so you don't miss any sessions.

I'm getting settled in over at Google+. I'm planning to do some video conferencing with those working through Finding Your Voice and Telling Your Story with the hangout feature there. Please join me, and drop me a comment or note about which course(s) you are participating in while I am still figuring out and fine-tuning that process. I'm anxious to check in and hear how you are doing.

That's what shaking over here today. How about you? What are you working on, or excited about?