Jen Lee

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The Anatomy of Discovery, Part Three: The Story and Wisdom Within You

This week features a series of posts to unpack and unfold the anatomy, so to speak, or design of The Iconic Self Online Experience to give you a window into how it works and why it is such a distinctive offering. But these elements are also core elements of all of our Soulful Journey offerings, and things my friends and collaborators looks for as hallmarks in our own journeys of resources that we trust and ultimately rely on. Our own experiences of powerful discovery all have these things in common--so whether or not The Iconic Self Online Experience is your right thing at your right time, my hope is that this Anatomy of Discovery will regardless help light your way.

Part 3: The Stories and Wisdom Within You (A Guest Post by Phyllis Mathis)

If you’re like us, your soul is always on the lookout for good nourishment. But in this world of instant access it’s easy to fill up on superfluous noise and empty opinions. Finding what we really need, knowing what we really need, takes more than just a few clicks and a Google search. And once we get close to what we’re looking for, sifting through competing ideologies, quick fixes, and pop-psych jargon often leaves us feeling empty and exhausted.

This kind of hunger is what led Jen Lee and I to accidentally create The Iconic Self.

We weren’t looking to cook up the Next Great Thing. We simply told our stories to each other. Simply because we were friends.

In the context of deep conversation and soulful friendship we explored the threads of our own lives: 

  • We found that we shared a strong need to find spiritual nourishment free from the trappings of religious ideology. 
  • We discovered a mutual longing for wisdom beyond the psychotherapist’s couch. 
  • We realized we were both determined to dodge the cliches of pop-psychology and make our own path.

By honoring our own experiences in the context of kindred conversation we literally stumbled into a wealth of wisdom. Wisdom that had been there all along, embedded in our own lives, ready and waiting to nourish our souls. So we took our stories - and our friendship - into the recording studio to produce The Iconic Self, with only an inkling of the power and beauty we would be unleashing:

  • Embracing the stories our bodies tell
  • Finding the courage we need in unlikely places
  • Learning to honor all our ways of knowing
  • Making a place for all our parts and pieces

The Iconic Self is powerful, not because our stories are extraordinary, but precisely because they are not. The stories themselves are merely things that happened along the way. What’s extraordinary is the way our conversation made it possible for us to see the threads of meaning in our own lives. By creating the space to listen deeply to our stories, we created a space - and a way - for you to listen to yours.

With The Iconic Self Online Experience you now have the opportunity to enter into our circle of friendship and honor the stories that have been waiting for you deep in your own soul. We’ll help you listen, help you spot the gold, and help you find the courage to be the soul you were always meant to be.

Please join us February 4th through March 1st at Live it to the Full.