
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

What Does Stress Feel Like in Our Bodies? This Week on Morning, Sunshine

Inexplicable Tiredness (Episode 65)

How does stress feel in our bodies? This week's episodes look at sensations that often accompany times of great intensity or loss. My hope is to name and validate things you might be feeling, too. I let myself share a little longer than usual today because honestly, I have more to say. Above all, this: We're in this together. I am right here, and you are right there. There are many things we may be unable to do today, but my hope is that going gently is still possible, whatever the day brings.

Fragmented Attention (Episode 66)

You might also be experiencing this right now. I'm tackling everything in small bites right now, trusting they'll add up over time, or deciding they don't even have to. And I'm leaving space for grief.

Do less, anywhere you can. Go gently, and more soon.