
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Deep Diving Creatives: Using Your Strengths for Maximum Potential

Ocean waves. Text reads: “Deep-Diving Creatives: Using Your Strengths to Maximize Your Potential”

Søren Kierkegaard wrote “Purity of Heart is To Will One Thing”, and Deep Diving Creatives understand this longing more than any other. The holiness of focus, that state that feels like a clear note sounding amongst a world of noise.

I definitely have this move, particularly as the end of a creative project draws near. (Perhaps if I were not a parent I could stay there even more.) One of my kids definitely lives and breathes Deep Diving mode, and while it has its parenting challenges, it’s also been a good opportunity to celebrate Deep Diving strengths.

Laser Focus

Whether it’s a highly developed ability to filter out distraction, or simply an awareness that fades around the edges, this creative type can really stay in their creating groove deep enough to hit revelation gold, and long enough to see things through to completion. This kind of focus is a gift, growing in its importance as the distractions of the world clamor and expand in their accessibility.

An Unwillingness to Give Up

As a parent, I have tried to break bad news to this child, to redirect her or encourage her to let something go when all accounts looked like a dead end. But Deep Diving Creatives loathe abandoning what they have started. The world around us is ripe with discouragement and very quick with the word “no”, so this tenacity serves you in the long run as you persevere, find a way or make a way when others would have given up.

No strengths are without their challenges, so next time we’ll look at the flip side. But for today, Deep Diving Creative, your focus and tenacity are here to carry the day.

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Jen Lee rests her forehead on her hand in a black and white image by Bella Cirovic.

Jen Lee is a celebrated filmmaker, storyteller, and multi-media producer who helps thought leaders and world-changers create powerful presentations of their original stories. She also guides other DIY and indie mavericks on creative projects ranging from documentaries to podcasts to publishing. Advanced story craft, big picture planning, collaborative solutions, and creative wellness are some of her most sought-out areas of expertise.

Click here to schedule a free phone consultation to discover what Jen's skills can bring to your world.