
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Tell Me Again

Rain drops on window

Tell me again how strong we are. About the stacking of days, and how far we have come. Take me to the place it all started. The first reaching for the future and the first yes across terrestrial lips.

Tell me once more about love. How it is like an element in the atmosphere. An animating force.

Tell me again it’s okay to feel it all. Even the parts that feel jagged and sharp. Parts like a bottomless canyon where one’s heart used to be. The things that feel heavy, and the ones flying about like live wires.

The ones that make a body go completely still, or explode into action.

Tell me a story about how nothing means anything but it all matters so much. In low, quiet tones say thoughts so thick I have to sigh into them.

Remind me of the things that will not change. Stars on a clear night. The feeling of someone near, even in that way that is untouched by space and time.

In some quiet field where the only sound is birdsong, our dearest ones are planted inside us and have taken root. A whole grove of unending loves to shade us, or whisper reassurances above our heads in the breeze.

Here even in the not here. This is the mystery. One we cannot easily shake no matter how we try.

Here in the not here. Love like atmosphere, like breath. Roots and leaves and the ground we came from. The ground we will all someday return to.

Tell me my name again. Not just the I Am Called one, but my true name. The one spoken by deities and stars that says who I am in the great universe of things, beings, and beloveds.

I am always forgetting, but you never do.

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