
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

You Can Take a Break

You Can Take a Break Jen Lee Productions.jpg

What if you could take a step back, regroup or rest. What if time is a stretchy thing instead of a metronomic machine to punch in and out of. What if the world is not drumming impatient fingernails on the table and the whip handle is actually in your own hand?

Or, you know, Things I Wonder on a Thursday.

Drop off the radar if you want to. Leave that But Do I Really NEED To question in the dust. Follow your instinct for pacing. Honor your desire for respite. Examine the ideas you're harboring about what you're allowed or how the universe might spin to pieces without your iron grip. It won't.

But you might. Maybe unraveling is the point.

Morning, Sunshine. This is for you.

Watch Off the Radar (Episode 79):

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